World Nutella Day is celebrated on February 5th every year. It was first celebrated in 2007. The idea for the day came from an American blogger, Sara Rosso. In 2015, Sara transferred the day to Ferrero(the company that makes Nutella). On this day you can enjoy Nutella & gift it to others, develop a recipe with Nutella, and post on social media.
In 2025, World Nutella Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 5th.
Quick Homemade Nutella Recipe (How to make Nutella at home)
- Hazelnuts – 1 cup
- Butter – 1 tbsp
- Vanilla essence – 1/2 tsp
- Salt – 1/4 tsp
- Powdered sugar – 1/2 cup
- Cocoa powder – 1/4 cup
Roast hazelnuts until browned and the skins are blistered. Rub the hazelnuts to remove the skins. Grind the hazelnuts until they form a paste. Add butter to the ground hazelnuts and blend for about 1 minute. Add vanilla essence, salt, powdered sugar & cocoa powder to the mixture and blend thoroughly. Now your homemade Nutella is ready.