World Hello Day 2024

World Hello Day is celebrated on November 21st every year. It was founded in 1973 in response to the Yom Kippur War. People around the world use this occasion as an opportunity to express their concern for world peace and support the idea that world leaders should use communication instead of force to settle conflicts. Brian McCormack and Michael McCormack founded World Hello Day and worked together to promote this day as an annual global event. You can celebrate this day simply by greeting ten or more people. 

World Hello Day will be celebrated on Thursday, November 21, 2024.

How to say Hello in different languages

Here is how you can greet people in various languages, so you can wish “World Hello Day” to people living abroad.

  • French: Bonjour
  • Chinese: Ni Hao
  • Arabic: Marhaba
  • Bulgarian: Zdraveite, Zdrasti
  • Spanish: Hola
  • German: Hallo/Guten Tag
  • Catalan: Hola
  • Polish: Cześć!
  • Finnish: Hei
  • Russian: Zdravstvuyte, Privet
  • Greek: Chaírete
  • Persian: Salam
  • Italian: Ciao/Salve
  • Filipino: Kumusta
  • Thai: Sawasdee
  • Urdu: Assalamo Alaikum
  • Latin: salve
  • Swahili: Habari/Hujambo/Shikamoo
  • Serbian: Zdravo
  • Hindi: Namaste
  • Swedish: Hej
  • Romanian: Bună/Salut
  • Portuguese: Olá/Oi
  • Danish: Hej

World Hello Day

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